200g 7oz Organic Papaya Leaf leaves Dry POWDER from Srilanka (Carica papaya)
200g 7oz Organic Papaya Leaf leaves Dry POWDER from Srilanka (Carica papaya)
200g 7oz Papaya Leaf Dry POWDER (Carica papaya) Tea Pure Organic leaves
Papaya Leaf Dry POWDER 200grams...
from Sri Lanka...
Also known as
The papaya fruit is pear-shaped with a bright golden-yellow skin. The flesh of the fruit is a brighter orange-yellow, juicy and silky smooth, with a sweet and sour flavor. The shiny gray or black seeds in the interior of the fruit have a peppery taste and are edible, although they are usually discarded.
The papaya is an extraordinarily useful plant. In the tropics around the world papaya is the breakfast fruit, served either green or ripe. The juice is a popular beverage, and the leaves and young stems are steamed and served as a vegetable.
The leaf contains beta-carotene, calcium, carpaine, fats, flavonols, niacin, papain, tannins, and vitamin C (in higher concentration in the leaf than in the fruit). The leaf, unlike the fruit, is not a source of the protein-dissolving enzyme papain, but the latex (sap) in the leaf stem is. Papain remains in leaf preparations that have been dried over low heat, but it may be destroyed in products that are dried at high heat.